News-Category menu on top Hack

by admin in e107

I have finished new Hack it has been released as "S&P SystemZ News Zone News Style" I have recived lots of emails asking how i got the New News Post list on top of my news page instead of the bottom so here is the updated News.php file needed.

I have finished new Hack it has been released as "S&P SystemZ News Zone News Style" I have recived lots of emails asking how i got the New News Post list on top of my news page instead of the bottom so here is the updated News.php file needed. To see a example go to ( To use it upload the modified news.php go to the admin area > News > News Preferences and check the box "Show News-Category Footer Menu" then set "News Category Columns?" and "News posts to display per page?" I will make a better hack so you can select top or bottom if there are enough Downloads to make it worth the time. if you want to go back to having the menu on the bottom simply re-upload the core e107 news file.

[Submitted by jeremy2]

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