e107 v5.4b1
admin in
08 Feb 2003 : 06:25AM
Ok, I'm relatively happy with the core code now so I'm releasing this full package, sorry but there is no upgrade script yet - the reason for this is I dont want anyone with esatablished sites to try this version until it's been thoroughly tested.
Ok, I'm relatively happy with the core code now so I'm releasing this full package, sorry but
there is no upgrade script yet - the reason for this is I dont want anyone with esatablished sites to try this version until it's been thoroughly tested. If you want to try it upload it to a test server, or if you are a new user then please go ahead and give it a whirl

Here's the changes.txt ...
+ major rewrite
- rewrote a lot of the classes and functions in class2.php for speed and cleanliness
- fixed a lot of of the path problems associated with non-Apache servers
- removed sessions completely - non-autologin will now set a 1 hour cookie (too many problems with people not setting their php.ini correctly)
- added render time to core
- added plain text to English language file - PLEASE UPDATE YOUR LANGUAGE FILE IF YOU GET ANY LAN_* MESSAGES ON YOUR SITE!
- setlocale now incorporated into core, locale is set from language file and should work if server configured correctly
- parsing again cleaned up for efficiency and speed
- images posted on forum are resized to fit
- news template system implemented - you now have much more control over how news looks via template functions. This opens up custom headers and limitless customization options
- any content in subfolders in now interpreted correctly (so you can store non-e107 files in a subdir but still render them correctly)
- private forums not searched now unless PRIVATEFORUM userclass is set
- if you try to post using a registered name you will be asked to login before the post is accepted (on chatbox, comments and forum). On forum you can login and retain any text typed into the newthread or reply forms.
- index category page rewritten
- parsing AGAIN worked on! will I ever be happy with it??
- comment name bug fixed
- if articles or review page is visited with no query string a list of articles/reviews with relevant links is now displayed
- fixed a small bug with article/review searching
- fixed a parse but that stopped backslashes displaying in forum/comments etc (thanks to NeXTer for his help here)
- user.php totally rewritten, now has options for search/order/view etc
- fixed bug in chatbox causing links to be double-parsed and mess up validation (thanks to ALGORYTHM for pointing this out)
- rewrote counter_menu
- rewrote userthemes using some ideas supplied by Delphy - thankyou
- fixed a couple of bugs in the search routine - forums now properly searched, and the results now display correctly (no unclosed tags)
- altered the way preferences are stored, it might cause problems with some third-party plugins but it does dramatically speed everything up
- made it impossible to delete or edit the Main link_category (added due to people like GuaRRand actually doing that and completely screwing their site heh)
- forum completely rewritten for speed and efficiency
- privatemenus fully integrated now
- newspost rewritten, now includes disabling and auto-activation based on to and from dates
- new menu item included with core - clock_menu gives you a dynamically updated js clock
- uncountable number of small changes, bugfixes and additions, I'll leave you to spot them

Hope you like it, please download it from the box over there on the right.