Nominations for the 2009 Open-Source CMS Awards closing soon!!!

by Alex1983m in e107

The 2009 Open Source CMS Award nominations are closing in less than a week.

114x60The 2009 Open Source CMS Award nominations are closing in less than a week. Nominate your favorite CMS for the appropriate categories today and help them win their share of $24,000! If you've benefited from an open source CMS and would like to give something back to the team that made it happen, now is the time!

Seeing your favorite CMS win is not the only reward you could get for participating in this year’s Award. We’re giving away three 8GB iPod Nanos to three individuals at the nominations stage, and three 8GB iPod Touch’s to three individuals at the voting stage, all selected at random.

To show your support for e107, please nominate us by clicking the following 2 links and filling in the form: here and here

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source