Bug Reporting

by e107 in e107

Thank you to all who have been posting bug reports for .7 into the bug tracker.

Thank you to all who have been posting bug reports for .7 into the bug tracker. This is incredibly important to making the cvs stable, please keep posting.

After posting a bug, please check back frequently to see if we have requested feedback for the bug. Often we cant recreate the bug you have posted and we require more information from you to help us resolve it. It could be we cant recreate the bug due to our settings being different from yours. Because of this, if you could do a little experimentation with different settings you may be able to help us pinpoint the circumstances under which the bug occurs.

Thanks to all those who have been helping in the bug tracker by providing feedback to the bugs others have posted. This has been invaluable in assisting the quick resolution of reports. If anyone else can help in this manner we would be very grateful, even if it is just to confirm that you also are experiencing the same problem with your site.

If you are a coder and can provide a fix with your bug report, or a fix for someone elses bug report, this is always gratefully received.

We all want the cvs to be as stable as possible in every way, so please post any bug no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you. Thanks

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source