e107 0.617 Security patches + fixes (0.6171)
I think I have all the security holes plugged that were reported in the bugtracker and in the forum.
I think I have all the security holes plugged that were reported in the bugtracker and in the forum.
While I was into the code, I figured I'd throw a few bugfixes in there. I used the bug snippet page from e107faq.org to decided which to fix. All fixes that are posted there are in this upgrade. I'd like to thank bkwon for that wonderful page, it made adding the bugfixes very easy.
There are no database changes, simply unzip/overwrite your old files with these. Please BACKUP your site first, just in case! You can never be too careful.
If anyone has any problems with anything related to these files, please let me know immediately.
There will be no future bug fix releases for .617, unless they are security related.
You can get the file here: