I've had to restrict the submit news page to members only, the reason being we're getting maybe 50 submittals a day, all from sites selling 'v1agra'.
I've had to restrict the submit news page to members only, the reason being we're getting maybe 50 submittals a day, all from sites selling 'v1agra'. My main email address gets maybe 3-400 spam emails a day, but this recent trend of news submits and using trackbacks and pingbacks, comment forms etc to spam really takes the biscuit. The only people I despise slightly less than the spammers are the idiots who actually buy stuff and make it a legitimate business proposition for these 'people' to keep doing it. The other reason for making this post, and at the totally other end of the spectrum, is for people in the UK, friday is Red Nose Day. Please remember to give anything you can spare, if you were considering making a donation to the e107 project, send it to Comic Relief instead, they need it a lot more than we do - thankyou!.