e107 v0.605
admin in
29 Dec 2003 : 02:29AM
Here's a bugfix release that addresses the problems in 0.603.
Here's a bugfix release that addresses the problems in 0.603. Here are the changes ...
- content.php : reported via irc : inactive articles no longer shown
- content.php : reported via irc : author name parsed correctly
- content.php : reported via irc : classes properly parsed
- search.php : Bugtrack ID 536 : downloads now searched correctly
- e107_admin/download.php : reported via irc : publicly uploaded downloads can now be copied to the download manager
- e107_admin/content.php : reported via email : content pages now save correctly
- upload.php : upgrade : upload form not shown after upload completed
- e107_plugins/articles_menu/articles_menu.php : Bugtrack ID 543 : bullet images correct when caching on and viewing subdir page
- e107_plugins/reviews_menu/reviews_menu.php : Bugtrack ID 543 : bullet images correct when caching on and viewing subdir page
- e107_admin/admin.php : Bugtrack ID 544 : integrated some code to sort the admin functions by name, mainly for sites using non-English language as default
- e107_admin/adminb.php : Bugtrack ID 544 : as above
- e107_admin/admincombo.php : Bugtrack ID 544 : as above
- e107_admin/adminclassis.php : Bugtrack ID 544 : as above
- e107_plugins/newforumposts_main/* : upgrade : new forum posts plugin added to core
There are now four files, the two full installs in zip and tar.gz format, a 0.603 to 0.605 upgrade, and a 0.604 to 0.605 upgrade. Grab them from the menu over there on the right.