e107 v5.05

by admin in

If I keep on finding things to do it\'s never going to get released so I\'ve decided to go with it today.

If I keep on finding things to do it\'s never going to get released so I\'ve decided to go with it today. Here is a small list of changes ... - Sessions restored, this is to hopefully aid integration of third-party scripts in the future - Forum display routines rewritten - Category icon now displays correctly on extended news items - Fixed some bugs with the admin section of usersettings.php - Emailed news now sends the message along with it - Rewrote new post forum functions - Fixed bug that screwed admin login if user registration system turned off - Remade the emoticon images, changed code to suit - Added time_offset pref value, you can now alter the time sitewide - Added mark all read link to forum - Added ability to give/remove admin status to registered users - Made it impossible to delete the main site admin from the user table - Fixed bug that stopped files being uploaded under certain server configs (thanks to db for this fix) - Finally nailed down that apostrophe problem (hopefully) - Made allow_comments default in newspost - Added refresh button to /admin/menus to use if menus table gets corrupted - Added new page to deal with forgotten password requests - syntax is different - see CHANGES.txt for more details - Rewrote the usertheme plugin, much cleaner and reverts to default site theme if menu item deactivated There is still work to be done but nothing serious, just a few bits and pieces here and there. Please follow the instructions in readme.html to upgrade. Download v5.05 here Note There isn\'t a seperate upgrade from v5.04 to v5.05, just download the full core archive, unzip and upload, then run upgrade.php. UPDATE If you have upgraded to v5.05 please download the v5.05a zip from the menu on the right, it contains small fixes for the forum and login-menu, there is no need to download this file if you are downloading fresh as the fixes are part of the core zip now.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source