Weather plugin

by admin in

Tres`Ni has sent me a wonderful plugin, he's really put a lot of work into it, It's a fully-featured weather plugin/menu item that allows you to retrieve the weather from anywhere in the world and parse/display it exactly how you want to.

Tres`Ni has sent me a wonderful plugin, he's really put a lot of work into it, It's a fully-featured weather plugin/menu item that allows you to retrieve the weather from anywhere in the world and parse/display it exactly how you want to. I was looking through the code earlier and it really is a nice piece of work, I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with from it.

Please make sure you read the instructions because it's not completely straightforward to configure to your liking. Thanks a lot Tres - really impressive piece of work.

Download it as usual from the plugins page.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source