Sounds like something I do when I\'ve had too much vodka but no, it\'s two new plugins from Fidel.
Sounds like something I do when I\'ve had too much vodka but no, it\'s two new plugins from Fidel. First up, Blogrolling ... \"This is just a little menu to display a blogroll from To install go to and then navigate to the get code page of the blogroll you want to use. On that page will be 4 sets of code. What we want to use is the javascript code. But only the id of that code. When you look at the menu for editing you\'ll know exactly what you need to copy/paste. Copy the ID and paste it into the menu. Upload/Activate and you should see a new menu with your blogroll. Also you can name your blogroll by replacing Blogrolling with your title between the quotes.\" And Spinning_menu ... \"This is a menu item that shows what you are currently listening to using winamp and \"Currently Hearing\" which can be found at Currently hearing is a ****ing fantastic piece of software. I was surprised because it worked right of the bat like magic. I\'m pretty happy and proud with this menu because this is the first one that I\'ve ever done completely by myself. Not the most complicated, no.. but hey! it\'s an accomplishment for me. Yes I know there is \"Now Playing\" by jalist the man himself, but I was just surfing around and found the winamp plugin. Intrigued, I wondered if I could make a menu out of it. It appears I could. This renders the info differently and might appeal if the other one doesn\'t.. it certainly appealed to me.\" Both can be downloaded from the plugins page. Thanks a lot Fidel, good work.