Americas Army Server Menu v2.0

Description:This menu plugin will allow America's Army Clans running e107 to have a menu block on their homepage detailing their server stats. V2.0 Now allows for the clicking of current players on server and viewing their Punkbsuter screenshots.

The information available to be shown includes:

Server IP Address
Game Version
Map Name
Current Number of Players
Round Number
Round Time
Show Official or Non Official
Map Picture
PunkBuster Status
Current Players
Maximum Number of Players
Number of Teams
MILES Status
Cheats Server Status
Admin Email Address
Admin Name
Minimum Honor
Maximum Honor

Any of these information types can be enabled or disabled to your preference.

Another addition to this plugin is that you can specify your clan tag in the configuration which means any of your your clan members names will show up in a specified colour (Green by default) when they are on the server, allowing you to quickly see if any clan mates are online.

All map pictures are included (courtesy of [link]

This is the first public release version of an e107 plugin we have made so apologies if the code is slightly elongated for the e107 system.

We hope you find this plugin useful - please leave any comments/upgrade requests here at e107 Coders and we will review them on a regular basis.

V2.0 Changelog

- Added Punkbsuter screenshots for current players on server
- Tidied up code
- Spaces in server details are now automatically closed up
- A few other things I can't quite remember now!
Released:13 Sept 2006 : 06:40AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
