com AJAX Chat v1.0 AJAX Chat plugin is created with Javascript so there is nothing extra to install. It features a pseudo realtime chatting system with adjustable refresh rates and auto-focus window chat alert in Internet Explorer. The AJAX Chat is designed to look like an IRC chat and chat messages appear a line at a time (yes, no ugly whole frame/page refresh) with the newer lines appearing beneath older ones and the entire frame scrolling down automatically. AJAX Chat displays members and guests currently online on your site. It is best used with the GlobalCounter Menu plugin for E107 also programmed by Sherman Chin (available
for free download at Finally, AJAX Chat has clickable usernames and IP addresses in case you are the type who likes to know detailed information and statistics.


Copy the "AJAXChat_menu" folder into your e107_plugins directory.
Click on the "Menus" link and activate AJAX Chat in any of
your site's area. If you are using a Unix server, please use your
FTP program or host interface to CHMOD (change the file permissions)
all files to 644. Please make sure your server supports PHP as AJAX chat makes use of PHP - you should have it
installed if you can run E107 anyway. Please also ensure that your
browser supports the Microsoft.XMLHTTP or XMLHttpRequest object -
should be present in all new browsers for AJAX compatibility.

If you want to make changes to the color scheme and style of the chat,
please edit the CSS stylesheet at the top of the AJAXChat_main.php file.


Just delete the AJAXChat_menu folder - it's simple as that because
this plugin doesn't attempt to mess with your database or do
anything with your E107 installation at all. It's
very self-contained so if you don't like it, simply delete it.


You can change the refresh times of the chat and also tick
the chat alert to make your Internet Explorer Window
receive focus whenever a a new chat message appears.
Tip: Set the Refresh to 60 secs, tick the Chat Alert box
and leave Sherman3D's browser window in the background while
you browse the net. The window will automatically pop to the
front when someone posts a new message in the chat.

If people in the chat try to be funny, clicking on
their usernames will give you further details about
them if they are registered members. If not, clicking
on their IP addresses will give you their Internet
Service Provider (ISP) address so you can report them.
This service is provided by
and sometimes, it will be disabled if there are a lot of
requests from your network/ISP. It usually works again
after a day or so though.

Chat lines are deleted after every 20 lines but they
are only cleared from view after the entire chat is

If there is any problem, please e-mail me at:
info at


You can modify the code and re-release but please inform
me first. Support is available at
if you join and post in the forum. Please do not remove
references to anywhere in this plugin. Thank you.

# VERSION 0.1 UPDATE # AJAX Chat now works in E107 0.7+
It was just a matter of include_once("../../class2.php");
being before the body of the HTML page in E107 0.7+ or
the HTML page body won't load.

# VERSION 0.2 UPDATE # AJAX Chat should now work on Unix/Linux systems.
It was such a silly problem that kept me up for hours
trying to figure what was wrong because it was working
fine on my Windows host. Apparently, it was the case
of S3DChat.txt being S3Dchat.txt which wasn't a problem
on the Windows platform but is a big deal on on Unix/Linux.
Clicking on usernames also result in details about them being
opened in a new window now. Time offset should be fixed
as well.

# VERSION 1.0 UPDATE # AJAX chat now supports Unicode characters including Japanese.
Released:17 Nov 2006 : 03:40PM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
