rs107 Wow Raid Signup v0.2

Description:rs107 is a plugin for e107 to assist World of Warcraft guilds with there raids. There are the basic abilities included at this point.

1. Introduction
2. Changelog
3. Installation & Requirements
4. Upgrade Instructions
5. Configuring rs107
6. Things to come...

1. Introduction:
* * * * * * * *
rs107 is a plugin for e107 to assist World of Warcraft guilds with there raids. There are the basic abilities included at this point.

Thanks going to for hosting a helpdesk.
also to my guild for testing this plugin and telling me about some major buggs.

2. Changelog:
* * * * * * *
version 0.2.1
- Addes a menu block to the package
- Raidleader Added
- Fixed some tooltip issues
- Automark Added
- Layout had some fixing concerning table renders
- Fixed some language problems
- raid add/edit pages had a remake.
Version 0.1 (Limited Prerelease Alpha):
- Created the core
- Language support
- Admin section
- Raid section
- Class restriction

3. Installation & Requirements
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- This plugin requires a up to date e107 installement.

- Open e107_admin/header.php

ADD arround line 133 - BEFORE echo "\n";
/* rs107 Scripts */
echo "

echo "

echo "

var domTT_styleClass = 'domTTOverlib';


/* END rs107 Scripts */
- Save & Close header.php
- Open e107_themes/templates/header_default.php

ADD arround line 197 - BEFORE echo "\n";
/* rs107 Scripts */

echo "

echo "

var domTT_styleClass = 'domTTOverlib';


/* END rs107 Scripts */
- Save & Close header_default.php
- Adding the Extended field for the class

-> Go to your admin area
-> Extended user fields
-> Add new field
-> Fill in following data
= Field name: raid_class
= Field text: Class
= Field type: Dropdown
= Values: - Paladin
- Rogue
- Mage
- Druid
- Hunter
- Warlock
- Priest
- Warrior
- Shaman
= Default Value: Warlock (or you own choice)
= Field include text: size='1'
= regex validation code:
= regex failure text:
= Category: (You can fill this in if you have any)
= Required: "No-show on signup page"
= Applicable: (Select here your own class which contains the guildmembers, has to be the same
as you config in the rs107 configuration)
= Write Acces: (Select here your own class which contains the guildmembers, has to be the same
as you config in the rs107 configuration)
= Allow user to hide: "No"
-> Add the field

4. Upgrade Instuctions
* * * * * * * * * * * *
- Remove the full plugin and install this version. Reason is that some new DB fields where added.

5. Configuring rs107
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

- rs107 Configuration
- In this section you configure the plugin
= Faction - Here you set which faction you are in, Horde or Alliance, this to show either
Shaman or Paladin.
= Date Format - Check the Extra Info link on how to set this field
= Time Format - Check the Extra Info link on how to set this field
= Max old raids - Fill in a number to set the ammount of old raids to show in the user section,
Admin section will still show all raids.
= Persmission to signup - Set which of your userclasses may signup on raids
= History - Check this to turn the History feature off/on
= Auto Mark - Giving you the option to turn all out of date raids in to 'Old' status with 1 button

- Edit Lootsystem
- In this section you can edit, remove and create lootsystem types
= Lootsystem name - Fill in a name for the Lootsystem
= Lootsystem shortcode - Shortcode for the lootsystem

- Edit Locations
- In this section you can edit, remove and create locations
= Location Shortname - Shortname for the location
= Max players - Define the max ammount of players for that location
= Max xxx - Define the max ammount of players in each class
= Lootsystem - Select the lootsystem you want, note that you first have to create one
= Location Description - Full name of the location

- Manage Raids
- Here you can remove, edit or mark raids as old

- New Raid
- This is the sweet section, create/edit your raids
= Location - Set the location, note that you have to create one first
= Date - Click the ... button or fill in the date in a dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy format
= Description - Fill in the description
= Invite time - Set the time on which you want to set the invite time
= Start Time - Set the time on which you want to set the Start time
= Lootsystem - Set the lootsystem, note that you have to create one first
= Max players - Set the max ammount of players for that raid
= Max players each class - Fill all the max players you want from each class
= Raidleader - You can set a Raidleader here.
- Raid user pages
- To view the normal pages make a main menu link to the raids.php file.
= People can signup for raids here
= If they fill in the form without checking 'Queue' they are added to the singup
= Classcounters only count the real signups, not the queue's or cancels.
= History will gief a brief historical overview of this user his actions.

6. Things to come ...
* * * * * * * * * * *
For the future I have some small idea's that could be usefull to raidleaders.
- Raid Attendance
= This option will let the raidleaders see a checkbox to check if the player came or not.
Here i'll try to include a statistic page.
- Character System
= A system that let's you create more chars bound to 1 account, which will be able to signup.

The rs107 plugin is released under the GNU General Public Licence.
Released:04 Jan 2007 : 04:52PM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
