Flash MP3 v1.8

Description:Description:A plugin that will load a flash based mp3 player that plays xspf playlists. Music is streamed, and can be from other servers. Setup is as easy as copying playlists to the xspf folder.

Version 1.8
*Re-added the closing div tag for better e107 theme support
*Player popup now uses a cascading syle sheet popup.css so that you can make it visually compliant to your sites theme.
*Fixed malformed html in popup added closing a tag for the href of the hosted website.
*Added option to show a link to plugin authors website. (some refferal traffic to my site would be nice).
*Changed links to buttons for add to firefox sidebar, and close popup.
*Added ID3 tag retrieval for mp3 files, it will write this info to the xspf file
*Added a new feature Create broadcast .xspf files. You can use it to create playlists for mp3 streams from Icecast, and Shoutcast. Please note due to the varied output streams not all are supported, but many are.
IMPORTANT!! You must provide the url to the actual stream, and not a playlist. Also, not all mp3 streams are supported.
*Removed footer call for when no playlist is selected. It would generate an error report about parseheader()
Version 1.7
*Re-added images folder in this distro (forgot to inlclude it in 1.6)
*Added link to create a sidebar in Firefox
*Changed player height and width in the popup to percentages
*Upgraded XSPF Web Music Player to 0.2.3
*Created a settings.inc.php file to manually configure options
*Merged flashmp3_menu, and flashmp3_popup_menu (flashmp3_popup_menu is no longer needed).
*Added option to preview tracks in the info page.
*Added option to enable track download links.
*Added option to make info, and popup areas members only.

Version 1.6
*IMPORTANT!! Please remove files from older versions. Some files were renamed in this release.
*Added the admin prefix to admin files so that e107 can render them in the specified admin them.
*Combined update.php and index.php into the admin_index
*Added a menu in the admin area for quick links to important areas
*Implemented more language support. (although not in the admin_index)
*Renamed Playmp3.php to info.php to reflect its function better
*Limited the width of the flashmp3_menu to 140px (now really long playlists names won't mess up your table widths)
*Fixed display bug where headphones image would sometimes show beside the playlist dropdown instead of above
*Created an flashmp3_menu, and flashmp3_popup_menu. (regular has buttons one for play, and another for info, popup links directly to the popup window)
*Added self.moveTo to popup when no playlist was found, and when you recieve the not a user messages

[Older Versions info removed for e107coders site]
Released:25 Jan 2007 : 07:53AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
