IPN PayPal Donate Menu v1.0

Description:The IPN PayPal Donate Menu Plugin allows you to quickly and easily setup a PayPal donation button on your website.

This version I started after deciding to set a Donators class on my site, and got fed up doing it all by hand.

Based on PayPal Donate Menu 1.3 by whoisrich, I have added IPN notification.

A New MySQL table is used to log all transactions, and as it is the IPN script updates signed-in users to the class with ID 2.

Option to display the Total of the Recoreded donations.

I have also added SandBox mode to allow you to play about with it should you want.

I will continue to add features, so any ideas are welcome.

If you want to try it out, feel free to make a donation at www.x-projects.org
Released:13 Jun 2007 : 05:50AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
