Advanced Raid Planner System v1.0

Description:Raid Planner System for e107 (standalone) websites...

This raidplaner is my second plugin... hopefully without many bugs

It is designed to be used for Lord of the Rings Online Clans / Herr der Ringe Online Sippen but may be easy switched to other games...

It has the following features:

Char Database:
- overview of a complete char list from all users
- search chars by charname or username
- add/edit/delete own chars

Raid Management:
- create/delete raids (edit raids not included yet)
- overview of raids
- signup to raids
- instant signup to raids

Both have an integrated help system and an individual color theme, that can be set for every user. There is also the possibility to combine with my other plugin 'Advanced Medal System' for giving medals to users after a raid is over.

The predefined Clan/Lootsystem/... are for the german language, but its easy to edit them.
Released:07 Feb 2008 : 10:58AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
