Best Twitter menu v1.5

Description:TwitterFreak is a simple but highly compatible menu that will show your tweets on your website.
Size and colors are editable. Also you can adjust the number of tweets displayed and even select the interval count in seconds to refresh the tweet listing. (with no page-refresh)

In short:
TwitterFreak is a fully customizable easy to use menu-plugin to show your tweets LIVE on your website.

Version update 1.51
Fixed conflicts with other e107 twitter menu (v0.2)
Added scrollbar select (true/false)
Added timestamp select (true/false)
Admin layout updated

Upcoming in next versions
Currently the plugin is only showing profiel-mode.
Currently in developement:
Search menu (show tweets bij search query)
Lists menu (Show only tweets from a certain list)
Favo menu (Show only favourite tweets)
Released:09 Nov 2009 : 02:59AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
