Dynamic Chatbox Scrolling v3.1 v3.1

Description:Dynamic Chatbox Posts Scrolling v3.1 Public Beta

Suport only at: http://sierra.1.vg

Changes & fixes:
* AJAX bug fix
* New Buttons added
* All three options supports scrolling
* Few other bugs fixed
* partly fixes width bug (cutdown long words)

Bug that may appear for some users:
* The scrolling layer doesnt change with settings.

This plugin was tested on:
e107 v0.7.8 - with firefox and IE 7
e107 v0.7.10 - with firefox and IE 7

php version used: 5.2.5
MySQL version used: 5.0.45

Next version:
- will fix width bug!
- bakground option
- User Avatars shown infront of message
Released:03 Dec 2007 : 11:38AM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
